Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Return of the Vocal Videos

Things have been busy for me lately. Aside my continuation in Skyrim (level 56 almost 57) for All Achievements, I also recently picked up Rocksmith last week since the game was FINALLY released in Europe. Now not only am I trying to level up in Skyrim for that damned Legendary dragon, but I am also trying to make sure I play Rocksmith consistently to maintain whatever callouses I may be gaining.  That is not including the fact that Rock Band still releases new DLC and I want to record vocal videos (especially of Amberian Dawn songs). So many things I want to do and so little time... first world problems, ya know?

So today I shook off some of the lazy and hauled my desktop to my living room to get some recordings done. I actually managed to get 2 videos recorded, Cold Kiss and Passing Bells; both by Amberian Dawn.

I haven't posted videos recently and kind of let the idea of getting any done fall by the wayside as I constantly have trouble with my microphone. Whenever I sing high notes (which Amberian Dawn has a lot of) with power all you get is this horrible saturation. When I pull away from the mic, I'm too quiet. It was irritating and the primary reason I hadn't posted videos of Passing Bells specifically, sooner, especially seeing as how it is probably one of my all time FAVORITE AD songs.

So I managed to get the videos recorded, but I had to cut back on a lot of my volume and my power. I think I am a bit quiet sometimes in Cold Kiss and in Passing Bells my high notes sound weak because I'm trying to make sure I don't get "KSCHHHHH" noises all over the place. -sigh- I can't win. For now anyway, I manged to get some videos done. So here they are:

Amberian Dawn- Cold Kiss (RBN) Expert Vocals 100%

Amberian Dawn- Passing Bells (RBN) Expert Vocals 100%


  1. I love your blog! My sister loves your videos on youtube. Passing bells is really great. There is some word out that new Amberian Danw singer is a pop singer from Tapmere. Finnish?

  2. Thanks for the interesting info.. guess we will see who the singer will be, but it is always fun to speculate :p

  3. Thanks for the interesting info.. guess we will see who the singer will be, but it is always fun to speculate :p

  4. I don't know who you are... but you are definitely in the know! Capri it is.


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